Tuesday, April 30, 2024

MCB Home Molecular and Computational Biology

molecule design

The SMILES representation of molecules is the main workhorse as a starting point for both representation learning as well as for generating expert-engineered molecular descriptors. Moreover, SMILES can be easily converted into 2D graphs, which is the preferred choice to date for generative modeling, where molecules are treated as graphs with nodes and edges. Although significant progress has been made in molecular generative modeling using mainly SMILES strings [43], they often lead to the generation of syntactically invalid molecules and are synthetically unexplored. In addition, SMILES are also known to violate fundamental physics and chemistry-based constraints [49,50].

QC-assisted molecule generation framework

molecule design

The success of current ML approaches depends on how accurately we can represent a chemical structure for a given model. Finding a robust, transferable, interpretable, and easy-to-obtain representation that obeys the physics and fundamental chemistry of the molecules that work for all different kinds of applications is a critical task. If such a spatial representation is available, it would save lot of resources while increasing the accuracy and flexibility of molecular representations.

Artificial Intelligence for Autonomous Molecular Design: A Perspective

In this study, deep generative models are reviewed to witness the recent advances of de novo molecular design for drug discovery. In addition, we divide those models into two categories based on molecular representations in silico. Then these two classical types of models are reported in detail and discussed about both pros and cons. We also indicate the current challenges in deep generative models for de novo molecular design. De novo molecular design automatically is promising but a long road to be explored.

Targeted molecule generation

In light of that, reducing expensive cost of flow-based models is the next action to optimize. In addition, the explainability of generative models for molecular design is equally worth being researched. The discovery of new functional molecules has led to many technological advances and is still one of the most crucial ways in which to overcome technical issues in various industries, such as those in the organic semiconductor, display, and battery industries. Although the trial-and-error approach has generally been considered as the most acceptable way to develop new materials, computer-aided techniques are increasingly being used to enhance the efficiency and hit rate of molecular design1. However, HTCS is a local optimization technique whose success relies on the quality of the chemical libraries, the development of which depends on researchers’ experience and intuition. Thus, HTCS has a low hit rate, and in most cases, several iterative enumerations are necessary to generate suitable target materials.

2. Data Generation and Molecular Representation

Such data-driven methods circumvent the need for computationally expensive quantum chemical methods15 and have been more commonly embraced to improve the performance of predictive models16. Characterization of molecular structure–property relationships through interpretation of machine learning models can be further used to guide the design of novel molecules and is referred to as inverse molecular design17. Inverse design can be performed by navigating the chemical space of molecules with target functionality through optimization, search, or sampling techniques18. Several optimization techniques, including both heuristic and deterministic algorithms, can be applied to inverse molecular design cast as an optimization problem.

Advancements in small molecule drug design: A structural perspective

molecule design

Owing to their ability of exploiting quantum mechanical phenomena for performing computation, QC techniques have demonstrated remarkable improvements for several applications. The promise of performance enhancement offered by QC has also attracted considerable attention from the research community for the development of QC-based methods in fields like computational chemistry, optimization, and machine learning30. Quantum computers offer a fundamentally different approach to performing quantum chemistry simulations that have helped overcome the practical challenges of simulating chemical systems on classical computers31. Quantum algorithms have also facilitated the development of quantum-enhanced optimization and machine learning techniques tailored for specific problem types and learning tasks32,33. Recently, QC algorithms have also been proposed for the search of optimal configuration of molecules in protein chains that demonstrate a quantum speedup over straightforward enumeration34. Despite their advantages, QC techniques implemented on current quantum devices exhibit limitations in terms of performance and scalability due to the presence of hardware noise and a limited number of quantum bits or qubits35.


Overall, the evolution trend tends to become almost saturated when approximately 50,000 training data samples are used. Thus, in this design circumstance, 50,000 data samples are sufficient to train deep learning models. In this review, we outline recent advancements in small molecule drug design from a structural perspective. We compare protein structure prediction methods and explore the role of the ligand binding pocket in structure-based drug design.

MSU scientists reach breakthrough in single-molecule magnet design - The State News

MSU scientists reach breakthrough in single-molecule magnet design.

Posted: Sat, 24 Jun 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Evolutionary design for S1 change without any constraints

By carefully tailoring the composition of molecules, researchers are creating chemical systems suited to a variety of quantum tasks. A molecule with a central chromium ion (purple) can serve as a quantum bit, encoding information in the direction of its spin (indicated by its arrow in this illustration). Attached atoms (gray) alter the properties of the ion, allowing it to be manipulated by a laser (purple squiggle) and to emit light in response (red squiggle). Designing new molecules for pharmaceuticals is primarily a manual, time-consuming process that’s prone to error. But MIT researchers have now taken a step toward fully automating the design process, which could drastically speed things up — and produce better results.

Several state-of-the-art ML architectures are predominantly and independently used for predicting the properties of small molecules, their high throughput synthesis, and screening, iteratively identifying and optimizing lead therapeutic candidates. However, such deep learning and ML approaches also raise considerable conceptual, technical, scalability, and end-to-end error quantification challenges, as well as skepticism about the current AI hype to build automated tools. Taken together, this could significantly reduce the timeline for end-to-end therapeutic discovery and optimization upon the arrival of any novel zoonotic transmission event.

Therefore, the encoding function encodes each atom and its circular neighborhoods with a diameter of six chemical bonds for a molecule m and transforms the SMILES into a 5000-dimensional vector x. Regarding the decoding function d(∙), an RNN composed of three hidden layers with 500 long short-term memory units35 is modeled to obtain the SMILES string from the ECFP vector. SMILES represents a molecular structure as a compact variable-length sequence of characters using simple vocabulary and grammar rules.

Later, in [71], the authors regarded the molecular optimization task as graph-to-graph translation which aimed to learn a multi-model mapping between two domains. The energy-based model is trained by drawing samples from a quantum annealer in (b) and captures the structure–property relationship between molecular representations or descriptors generated with a GraphConv network in (a) and the molecular properties. The trained conditional energy-based model is used to estimate the free energy of input molecules and compute objective values in (c). Formulating and solving quadratic unconstrained binary optimization problems in an iterative manner with a quantum annealer in (c) yields molecular design candidates with desired target properties. The challenge would therefore be to obtain a group of molecules outside the scope of the specified target property.

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